
Lambert, Philidor, Stuck, Bernier - The Concert Francais

Lambert, Philidor, Stuck, Bernier - The Concert Francais
Classical | XLD Rip | FLAC(IMG)+CUE+LOG | Covers (300dpi) + Booklet (PDF) | Total 373 MB | Release: 2007 | Label: ABC Classics | Recovery: 3%

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MICHEL LAMBERT (1610-1696)
1. Ombre de mon amour (Shade of my Love)
2. Vos mepris chaque jour (Your Disdain Every Day)

Suite V in D
3. Ouverture
4. Air
5. Gigue
6. Les Echos
7. Bourrees I and II
8. Chaconne

Les Bains de Tomery (The Waters of Thomery)
9. Recitatif: Quel spectacle pompeux orne ce bord tranquille?
What stately spectacle adorns this tranquil strand?
10. Air. Gracieusement: Venez voir votre Souveraine
Come and see your sovereign queen
11. Recitatif: Nouvelles Deites qui flottez sur mes ondes
New Deities who float on my waves
12. Gayment - Lentement: Vous qui rendez Flore immortelle
You who make Flora immortal
13. Recitatif: Et vous, dont le puvoir s'etend sur tout le monde
And you, whose power extends to the whole world
14. Air. Tendrement: Tendres Amours, accourez tous
Sweet Cupids, hasten all

Motet du tres St Sacrement (Motet for Holy Communion)
15. Duo: Ad dapes salutis venite dilecti
Come to the feast of salvation, you chosen ones
16. Recitatif (Soprano II): In hoc sacramento mirabilis
In this marvellous sacrament
17. Gracieusement (Soprano I): Hic est panis vita vitae
Here is the bread, the life of life
18. Gravement (Duo): O mysterium adorable
O mystery to be worshipped
19. Recitatif (Soprano II): In hac enim caelesti mensa
For in this celestial feast
20. Gracieusement (Second Soprano): Tali pastus alimento
Fed on such food
21. Gayement (Duo): In voce exultationis et confessionis resonet caelum
May heaven resound in a voice of exultation and acclamation

Chopin dedi ki...

Sara Macliver Soprano I
Taryn Fiebig Soprano II

Ensemble Battistin
Kate Clark flute
Paul Wright violin
Sophie Gent violin
Suzanne Wijsman cello
Tommie Andersson theorbo
Stewart Smith harpsichord, chamber orga

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